Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bits and Pieces including duel

Upon climbing the ice steps the group comes across stacks on stacks of meat. While Kerri loudly asks for a fire to make herself breakfast, the group of 50+ villagers encircles the adventurers. A bone and shell clad shaman steps forward with a man in a loincloth and spear. The man with the spear steps forward and stabs his spear into the ground. Not knowing whether this is a sign of war or peace (Colby) mimics the action with his spear. It soon becomes apparent that the two have now agreed to some kind of duel. Kerri gives Belkira Nysriel her cloak and the two begin to duel. Belkira charges at the spearman missing by inches. The Shaman stops the fight and gestures at the cloak… Apparently magic is not allowed. The duel restarts this time without the cloak. The two battle furiously.
In a last ditch attempt at survival the dragonborn figher Belkira breathes an icy blast in the spearman’s face. Shocked, the spearman stops attacking. The shaman steps forward and asks in common “what was that.” Through the ensuing conversation the adventurers tell of their quest to slay the white dragon and find Maccath the Crimson who disappeared in the area three years ago. Clayton gets himself a flask of seal liquor from the shaman. They rest in the shaman’s hut before heading out down a chute in the shaman’s hut into the ice caves.
They hear the sounds of kobolds around the corner. charimon goes around to kill them. They throw rocks at her (rather effectively) and run away. Alaria casts fireball killing all 12 sleeping and running kobolds in one fell swoop. The group follows the path the kobolds were running towards, looking to find out where they were going. They come upon a room of junk. They walk through the next door to a room of supplies. many kinds of frozen meat and furs. Clonk takes the gauntlet, hilt of a dagger (no blade) and brooch which are among the supplies.
They come upon a giant curving pit with an iron hook above it. The room appears to be the room the villagers make their offering to the white dragon.


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